For over two decades, we've been dazzling the world with our unrivaled expertise, top-notch service, and a treasure trove that'll make any collector's heart skip a beat. Golden Sun Auctions is etching its name in the history books as the place to be for both die-hard collectors and savvy connoisseurs.
As certified appraisers and experienced auctioneers, we also provide comprehensive valuation services. In light of the recent fires in the Los Angeles area, we want to remind you of the importance of accurate appraisals for insurance claims and estate planning. Let us help you navigate these challenging times with the expertise and care you can trust.
Our secret sauce? A rock-solid commitment to honesty. We pride ourselves on bringing you a jaw-dropping array of goodies, from rare artifacts and stunning art pieces to exquisite bling, unique coins, vintage wheels, and classy antiques. Each and every item that graces our auction block gets the royal treatment from our team of seasoned antique gurus and gem wizards.
But hold on to your hats, folks – we've also had the privilege of handling auctions for some extraordinary folks. Ever heard of Jackie Collins, the bestselling author with over 100 million books sold? Yup, we've had the pleasure. And that's not all! We've been entrusted with the estates of California Governor Frank Merriam, Early California Pioneer Francis Hamlin, who happened to be related to Abraham Lincoln's VP, Hamilton Hamlin, and the legendary Gerry Mulligan Quartet, a true gem in the world of jazz history.
At Golden Sun Auctions, we roll out the red carpet for you. Our team is here to make sure your auction experience is unforgettable. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a rookie, we're here to hold your hand through every step of the process, making it easy and loads of fun.
We're not stuck in the past, either. Our tech game is getting strong, with state-of-the-art platforms that make the auction action accessible worldwide. Bid from the comfort of your home through live online bidding. We're all about bringing the excitement of our auctions to YOU, no matter where you are on the map.
And here's a kicker – we're all about keeping it real. Our ethical compass is spot on, so you can trust us with your most prized possessions. Discretion and confidentiality? You betcha! We're like the vault of Fort Knox when it comes to your privacy.
But hey, it's not all about business. We've got hearts of gold. Our reputation has gone global, and we've got a fan club that spans the planet. People from every corner of the Earth eagerly await our auctions – it's like the Super Bowl of treasure hunting!
So there you have it, folks!
Golden Sun Auctions, Inc. is the name you can trust in the world of auctions. With our commitment to excellence, jaw-dropping collection, A+ service, and love for our clients and the arts, we're shining bright and growing even brighter.
We're here and ready to chat whenever you want to reach out.